Monday, July 6, 2015

Uo to card #959

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am still here and making cards for my 1992 Topps set. I am up to card #959 now and slowly approaching card 1000. I am house-sitting until the end of July,and although I figured out how to connect to the houses wifi from my phone, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to connect from the Dell 1350 wireless card on my laptop. The network is hidden, but I know the username and password, which allowed me to connect from my phone. I can't seem to be able to figure out how to type the network name on my laptop, and since its hidden, it won't show on the list of networks.
With that being said, I have still been searching for player photos on my phone and transferring suitable ones from my phone to my computer and editing them on the computer. I have them saved and am close to half of the templates I need being done. The Calvin Schiraldi card is giving me a little trouble since I can't find a Rangers photo of him, so I might have to paste a logo onto a Red Sox one. I'll probably make a bunch more cards Friday, and maybe post from my phone to share how far I got. I realize you can post pics on your blog from your phone, but I don't have the Google App and don't really feel like having all of my blog stuff shared on my Google Plus wall, so that's why I will just be waiting until I can connect to a good network from my laptop and making a huge post.
Thanks for checking out what I've been up to.

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